Doors of our Lives

It’s like you walk in through a brand new door and you think, where am I going? Or you look at the door that you just closed behind you, and you ask yourself, “Did I have to walk through it?” You want to kick at the door for being there. You try pounding and pounding on it, trying to make it disappear! You want to reach back and open it — but when you reach behind you the doorknob won’t give. The door has shut behind you.

 The Door is Locked.

All you can do now is face forward and continue the journey… this Side of the Door.

It’s time…

It’s gettin’ about time for me to get-to writing again. I’ve started tinkering on the piano again — hadn’t touched it for ages.

The piano. The piano.

Christmas 2007

Sometimes I’d be playing at the piano and Rudy Raul would come up behind me and start singing. Sometimes he’d sing what I was playing but usually he’d sing what he wanted me to start playing 🙂 and we’d sing together.

It’s time to start writing again.

It’s time to sing again.

waiting . . .

Waiting for words to come my way as I find myself wondering about my new life and reflecting on the one that has brought me to where and who I am right now. Lilac in bloom

A new life, a new way of thinking. New way of seeing things. I think a kinder Ema has come to live in this house. A patient Ema has been born. An Ema that doesn’t take things, people and herself so seriously as she may have once done.

Life is so precious and such a wonderful gift that I want to live it in such a way that it pleases God and offers delight and laughter and compassion to those who happen to become part of my life and to those who pass through my life.

Life… life is so sweet.  I am so loved.

Today a year ago…


Rudy Raul died one year ago today: March 10, 2008.

Rudy left behind nieces and nephews; cousins, aunts and uncles; sisters and brothers; brother in-laws and sister in-laws; a son and a wife.

Rudy also left good memories. A trace of his smile lingers on. His contagious laugh and twinkling eyes are etched in my mind and in the minds and memories of many.  Rudy was known to be able to praise God during times of trouble as well as in the times of triumph. His thankfulness, his gratitude and faith in God has not gone unnoticed.330661622_e1418a928e_m

Rudy is gone from this present world yet he lives.

While Rudy was on earth he lived as good as he could – I am going to follow his lead. You continue to live Rudy.  I, too, have vowed to do the same.

Hasta el fin luchare.


.. about me and my house